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Showing posts from March 14, 2018

English Alphabets

The 26 letters of the English alphabet  are so intelligently arranged. They show you the way of life.. "A"lways "B" e  "C" ool.   "D" on't  have "E" go  with  "F" riends  and Family.   "G" iveup   "H" urting  "I" ndividuals.   "J" ust  "K" eep  "L" oving  "M" ankind.   "N" ever  "O" mit  "P" rayers.   "Q" uietly  "R" emember  "G" od.   "S" peak  "T" ruth.   "U" se  "V" alid  "W" ords.   "X" press  "Y" our  "Z"eal. welcome to our blog please send your suggestions ......... Source:Internet(web)