A Single Neuron is more Powerful than the Fastest Supercomputer A pattern is a program, a pattern of instructions to convert an input state to a desirable output state. You all know about versatile computer programs which do wonders in your day to day life. Like this material what you are reading is entered, edited, and presented using a computer program. Have you thought of the computer which is reading this material, understanding it, analyzing it, making a decision about its usefulness, and then taking action to enroll and attend this event? Have you thought of how powerful and versatile your this BMI computer is? Though you are carrying it from your birth, you are inconspicuous about it and have taken it granted. You rather use it casually without knowing and making use of its powerful features. How this computer works? Again through a number of programs loaded into it. Is n't it? These programs are loaded into your BMI system either genetically, socially, or academ...
Hi Friends! This is the New Learning World For All of You!... I will share some great things which will help you in your life. I love learning a lot...If you are also the learner... Keep Rockers...