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Showing posts with the label avoided jobs

Five Jobs That Aren't Worth Your Time

Soul-sucking, low paying, or just plain dead-end - these jobs should be carefully considered before you decide to pursue them. By Danielle Blundell Face it - we all can't be singers, movie stars, or models. Most of us do have to get up and punch a clock somewhere. But that doesn't necessarily mean you have to don plaid, grow a beard, and become a lumberjack. There's a full spectrum of jobs out there, and many can be quite rewarding in terms of salary, growth, and opportunity. That is, if you know your own strengths and weaknesses, and are willing to put in the effort it takes to snag them. "We read a lot about job hunting, but Westerners (people from North American, parts of Central and South America, and Europe) never take time to know who we are in relation to the job," says Elizabeth Lions, a Texas-based career consultant and author of "I Quit! Working For You Isn't Working For Me". "Instead, we...